Best sellers There are 585 products.

  • -50%

20kg Lychee Wood Firewood

Lychee Hardwood Firewood. We also offer special service to businesses who use logs as fuel preparing food for steak houses, pizza shops, bread bakers, etc. We only sell selected hardwood species, ensuring maximum heat output, slow burning as well...

$300 $600 -50%
  • -50%

Drainage tiles

Drainage tile was designed and developed for applications over hard surfaces like concrete, asphalt, roof membrane and tile where water is limited only to drain horizontaly. The innovative tile design and our unique six-point locking system...

$20 $40 -50%
  • -50%

Deluxe Patio Square Cantilever...

1.傘布:傘布選用聚酯布,內部三層奈米聚合物塗層,有效阻擋紫外線,耐磨、耐熱、防水、透氣,給您不一樣的舒適體驗。 2.更穩定:  78MM粗傘柱,40MM粗支撐,8股優質鋁合金,加厚更穩定,更抗風 3.可調式:有曲柄和操縱桿,可根據陽光方向任意調整傘頭角度,給您一整天的陰涼 4.底座:超大水底座,可裝130KG水或沙子,較穩定,底部有滑輪,移動時較方便省力 5.雙頂設計:雙頂設計不僅外觀更時尚,而且在傘頂形成了一條通風帶,減少了通風,增強了穩定性。

$3,300 $6,600 -50%